Monday, August 12, 2013

Worth Remembering

Sticky notes are useful tools for helping us remember chores, appointments, or the things we need from the grocery store. Basically, the sticky note has replaced the rubber band on the wrist, or the string tied to our finger as a memory aid (my problem with the rubber band was trying to remember what I was trying to remember).

Our minds are bombarded with so much interesting but (let's face it) trivial information. For example, having just finished "Shark Week" I know more about sharks than I will ever need to know (we don't commonly encounter them in Idaho).Coincidentally, the more I know about sharks, the less I like them.

Sharks aside, our minds are bombarded, much of the time, by not just trivial information, but trivia that is (also) incredibly incorrect. What, for example, will one learn about life (self-control, relationships, marriage, values, parenting, purpose, etc)  from dysfunctional reality television programs? Don't get me started: much of television does not even give us "conventional wisdom" anymore, but rather dispenses "conventional dysfunction." Now, like the majority of Americans, I do like a good demolition derby now and then; but it is important to view the carnage as entertainment and not drivers' education. In other words, as long as one views reality television as primarily indicative of the wrong things to do, you may be safe.

There are, however, some great things to learn and incredible messages to remember--especially given the steady stream of bad information being peddled in the media. Here are some great messages to write on your sticky notes and display prominently:

  • God is a wise, patient and careful builder
  • Since God can use anything for His glory, He can use me.
  • God loves; God forgives . . .
  • We can't do anything to make God love us any less; we can't do anything to make God love us any more. He already loves us completely.
  • God is not tired, over-wrought, selfish, distracted, cranky, or too busy for us.
  • God can create with a Word, and heal with the hem of His cloak.
  • The Lord is good to all (all the time).
  • God is faithful, even when we are faithless.
  • Our Savior is full of grace and truth.
  • He stands besides those in need--a bruised reed He will not break; a smoldering candle He will not extinguish.
  • The Lord is the strength of His people.
  • He helps us climb to higher places.
  • Our God is our Rock, our Fortress, our Deliverer
  • Our God is seeking, responsive, generous, compassionate, redemptive, eager to heal . . .
Well, those are just some examples. When reading Scripture, take note about what the verses say about the character of God and then make your own list. 

The believer needs to be anchored in truth so the confusion of the world does not overtake him or her. Remind yourself daily of the greatness of God-- and of His many blessings to you. Those are the things worth remembering.